“The Policies and Achievements of the Government and Regeneration of the Filipino” (Excerpt) by Manuel L. Quezon National strength can only be built on character. A nation is nothing more nor less than its citizenry . It is the people that make up the nation and, therefore, it cannot be stronger than its component parts. Their weakness is its failings, their strength, their power. Show me a people composed of vigorous , sturdy individuals , of men and women healthy in mind and body; courteous , bra ve , industrious , self-reliant ; purposeful in thought as well as in action; imbued with sound patriotism and a profound sense of righteousness; with high social ideals and a strong moral fiber; and I will show you a great nation, a nation that will not be submerged, a nation that will emerge victorious from the trials and bitter strifes of a distracted world, a nation that will live forever, sharing the common task of advancing the welfare and promoting the happi...